Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Really? This is your guru, Pollywog?

Boyfriend was just pointing something out to me about our friend and hero, Bill Shatner, (known as The Shat around here). It's fairly political and I hate political but it's good cause so here's a link if'n you're interested.

But that's not why I'm blogging. I'm blogging because it's quite dismaying to find that one of the most inspirational phrases that gets you through a day comes from the Star Trek guy.

I don't know how many of you have heard the Henry Rollins/Bill Shatner tune "I Can't Get Behind That". It's poetry, people, pure poetry. Couldn't find a link to the song itself, but here's the lyrics. Anway, at the end, Rollins seems to check how that recording of the song turned out and asks "Yeah, Bill, can you turn around and do one more?" And Bill replies.....


Well, jeez-o-pete, if Bill can do one more, I can certainly do one more. It applies to everything. One more day of work. One more paper for school. One more smile at a parent who's bitching and moaning about something or other. One more credit card bill. Bill meets them all with a can-do attitude. Works the other way, too. "Have one more beer, Pollywog?" "Always can do one more." See? It's friggin' brilliant. Dr. Phil ain't got shit on you, Billy.

Yes, it's true. When I find myself in times of trouble, William Shatner comes to me speaking words of wisdom.....Always can do one more.

Thank you, thank you, Mr. Shatner. I will not fail you.

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