Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm such a follower.

A few of my blogging reads have been making lists lately so I took it as a sign to make my own.
Here it is, ten thing you don't know about me.

1. I rub my feet together to go to sleep.
2. I don't mind cockroaches until they fly and then I'm paralyzed with fear.
3. When I was a child and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I replied ballerina/real estate agent. I truly wanted to be both at the same time.
4. I'm watching the whole series of 21 Jump Street on DVD and by God, enjoying them.
5. I can't remember my ex-husband's birthday which doesn't sound bad except for the fact that I couldn't remember it the entire time we were dating and married. There is absolutely no reason for it. I remember family's and Boyfriend's birthday just fine, but after 13 years of relationship, his just wouldn't stick. Weird.
6. I have a space heater at work that I keep on year round. Doesn't matter if it's 90 degrees outside. I'm cold.
7. I didn't know Jimi Hendrix was black until I was 18 years old. Never saw a picture. How was I to know?
8. I don't call my mother enough.
9. I hate Henry David Thoreau. Who the hell does he think he is? Poe, on the other hand, he's hot. I'd do him.
10. I put salt in my orange juice (and everything else, for that matter).

There you have it. All you need to know about the ol' Pollywog.


pygalgia said...

And, of course, COCONUT CRABS! Take that, girly. (sorry, I couldn't help myself. Love 'ya)

bradi said...

I like salt on watermelon. In fact, I thought everyone ate it that way because my family does. Nice list. I think I likes the pollywog even more now! Let's run away together!

Pollywog said...

Name the time and day, Braids, time and day!

I too salt watermelon and cantalope and honeydew and apples and pears and oranges and sometimes, beer.

Welby said...

Oddly, I've been thinking about doing a list myself. I used to do them once a year around my birthday, the number of items on the list reflecting my age. My next birthday I'll be 35, and I was considering writing a "35 things I learned about me by reading my blog."

But I don't know that I could learn that many things.

21 Jump Street rocks!

Anonymous said...

I think both Poe and Thoreau are overrated, but in different ways. Thoreau seems to be the Godfather of nature poetry (ugh) and Poe seems to be the father of pulp fiction (ugh).

I live with two pulp fiction fanatics. They made me read William Burroughs today. I have to admit, as awful as Burroughs' writing is, it's probably as truthful as description of our society as I've seen.