Monday, April 16, 2007

Pomeroy Blues

You will see many tales of hiking on this blog and that is because that's pretty much what my boyfriend and I do with our free time. (My boyfriend is Sweaterman on the Pygalgia blog. Take a look if you are in the mood for fantastic rants.)

This weekend's hike was short and sweet. Pomeroy Tanks to Sycamore Falls and back. About 2 miles round trip. What struck me was the lack of water in the tanks. Thank you, global warming. Usually, the tanks are full and the river runs down and tumbles over the falls which is a fine site to behold, but not this year. River wasn't even running. I know it's still early in the year but it should definitely be higher water. Sigh.

Animals sited: A few fish, one screaming frog, several lizards (two of which were very angry) and a weird but pretty beatle.

Items found: One pink arrowhead.

Threat of death: Mike being nearly trampled by 14 Europeans dressed as cowboys on horseback.


Anonymous said...

If you're not in touch with Mary Sojourner, you need to be. That's it, thats the list. Oh, and I love my Maynard.

pygalgia said...

You rock, girlie. I hadn't heard about the german cowwboys.