Monday, June 11, 2007

How the #%@& am I supposed to know?

For those of you who don't know, the old Pollywog is working strenously on her Master's degree in Library Science. (Stop snickering, it is a science.) And what fine class did she decide to cram into the summer? That's right. Ethics. So now here it is, almost midnight, and I just finished a paper on, essentially, whether I would give a book about how to build a backyard artillery device that shoots full beer cans 300 yards or more using gasoline and compressed oxygen to a minor? Real book, by the way. Turns out I would indeed give the kid the book and point him to the nearest hardware/liquor store. Why? Because, God Damnit, to not give him the book would be censorship and futhermore, where the hell are his parents anyway? It is their job to say "Jimmy, don't shoot full beer cans at the neighbor. Drink 'em first and shoot the empties". It takes a village, my ass. It takes a few dedicated individuals like myself to say "It's probably not a good idea to climb the bookshelves" while Mom is busy talking on her cell phone in the middle of the library while instant messaging on the library computer to the person who she's talking to on the cell phone! Whoops, slipped into a rant there.
Point is, any discussion on Ethics frustrates and annoys me. Would I kill one hundred people if I knew it would save a thousand? I don't freakin' know, will there be pie afterwards? Ethics conversations are pointless because there IS NO ANSWER. Can I please go to bed now?


bradi said...

I think it's pretty flippant of you to kill one hundred people to save one thousand just so you can get some pie! You don't even know what kind of pie you get! Apparently you are not asking the right kinds of questions in this Ethics class of yours. You need to ask about the pie. Stick to what is important and you'll learn, grasshopper.

pygalgia said...

Hey, I want a copy of that book. I would never shoot a full beer can, but I would imagine that diet soda cans should work equally well. I hate diet soda.